On Sat February 24 2007, Gene Heskett wrote: > I might have to start from scratch again just to change the video card. > And I'll be damned if I'm going to spend 4x the price of the mobo on a > video card just so the gl screenblankers run smoothly. http://www.mwave.com/mwave/viewspec.hmx?scriteria=4128229 Just put one of these in an AGP slot in my ASUS - it scats! With 256 mb ram it's got plenty of ooomffff - certified to run Cinelerra according to several folks on that list, and look at that price I know you said you like to buy local, but, if you choose to make an exception, I've found mwave.com to be a great resource. They have the best website for building systems from scratch, because you can choose various mobos, and they offer you drop downs for processors they have that will work with that mobo and drop downs for memory - takes a lot of research effort out of the process, And their prices are some of the best. I buy a lot of stuff from their closeouts and bargain basement sections, where you can really get some astounding deals. Another nice site is surpluscomputers.com - they're currently offering the Pioneer 111 DVD writers for $39 - just bought 3 today - far as I'm concerned, no one builds a better DVD writer than Pioneer for day-in/day-out DVD duplication work in a studio environment This is the place I got my SuperMicro server recently discussed in a different thread on this list. Barebones price was $817 and that includes a 675 watt P.S., eight hot swappable SATA trays with built in RAID, up to 64 GB of ram in some configurations, and lots more - we got that machine up this week, and it's dancing circles around our old $30k Compaq Proliant - So far as the NVidia cards, I also bought a bunch of PCIx versions of the one above, and they are real fast: glxgears 2330 frames in 5.0 seconds = 465.975 FPS 2304 frames in 5.0 seconds = 460.695 FPS 2275 frames in 5.0 seconds = 454.949 FPS -- Claude Jones Brunswick, MD, USA