Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 12Feb2007 07:27, Patrick Steiner <patrick.steiner@xxxxxx> wrote:
| i fetch my mails via fetchmail and after that procmail sorts them into
| different mailbox-folders.
"mail" is its own plural, like "sheep" or "fish".
| how can i extract attachments and but them into a folder like
| ~/attachments? i tried, but
| i also get some non -base64 coded mails and the don't work with this
| tool :-(. any ideas who i can extract
| this files?
I extract attachments using the metamail package (not available as a
Fedora package as far as I can tell - had to build it from source; I can
email you a tarball if you like).
I use a wrapper script to put the files somewhere
That script relies on a bunch of other things from that script collection.
You might just want to skip it for the metamail incantation. If you want to
take it as-is, it may be easiest to just grab the whole css package:
I normally run this script from mutt but it could easily be used from a
procmail recipe.
Disclaimer: I wrote these scripts and thus am a bit biased.
You can do it in a few lines of perl with the MIME::Parser package (from
CPAN, I don't think it is rpm-packaged). Something like this:
#Accept a mail message on stdin, split attachments into
# directory
use MIME::Parser;
### Create parser, and set some parsing options:
my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
### Change how nameless message-component files are named:
### Parse input:
$entity = $parser->parse(\*STDIN) or die "parse failed\n";
Les Mikesell