Hi, I just wanted to invite people to try out downloading Fedora ISOs with Metalink. It's an XML format for listing mirrors and checksums along with other information. openSUSE, OpenOffice.org, Arch Linux, and other distributions use it. It usually results in much faster and more reliable downloads. aria2 is in Extras (yum install aria2) and is a great command line client for segmented downloads and BitTorrent, along with Metalink. There are also other GUI clients on Mac, Unix, and Windows. You can find .metalinks for most Fedora ISOs at http://download.packages.ro/metalink/fedora/ They're down at the bottom, filenames start with FD-6_90. To use aria2, you would type 'aria2c URLtoMetalink' in a terminal. For more info, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metalink -- (( Anthony Bryan )) Metalink [ http://www.metalinker.org ]