Thomas Shubert wrote:
I have a Dell Dimension 2400 that I though I would screw around and
setup Fedora 6 on to learn Linux. Well, I cannot get X to start. It
(==) Using config file: "etc/X11/xorg.conf"
(EE) I810(0): No video BIOS modes for chosen depth.
(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration
I have seen other posts regarding this error and have taken corrective
action to no avail. I upgraded the Dell's BIOS to A05 and I change the
shared video RAM to 8 MB. I then ran system-config-display but it does
not work.
Any guidance would be most appreciated.
Tom Shubert
Basically on a Dell with the Intel video, there are two video settings
which need adjusted. The 8MB setting is for what Dell refers to as
legacy video. The other setting is for shared video memory. I set mine
to 64 MB on a low end Intel and set it to 128MB on the Dell computer.
Shared memory of 8MB is pretty low. I had to change the setting on a
computer that had a SIS card to 64MB for it to work decent.
As a note: on a computer which has a low end Intel 815 video card, the
modes for resolution are pretty susceptible to changes in resolution
compared to performance in FC5. If changing the BIOS settings does not
do the trick for you, it might be worthwhile to check upstream for
reports regarding the i810 driver that relate to your problem. Fedora
reports for the i810 were eventually resolved with bug reports in the
distance past. These days the reports seem to get very little attention.
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