Thanks Mike, for your solution. I will try this. I had thought about
doing the same, but first wanted to figure out why the package
installation was failing to create the files. This makes three people
with similar experiences. If I can find a few others with the same
experience, it might be worthy of a bug report. Any contributors?
Steven Stromer writes:
Sorry to hijack, but I am experiencing the same problem. I have been
installing FC6 on a bunch of servers, and did not elect to install BIND
during the initial install. I installed bind-9.3.3rc3 (which appears to
force the install of bind-chroot, without saying it will do so, though I
do want the package...) and bind-libs. The service and directories seem
to get installed and created, but none of the default configuration or
zone files get installed. I've tried uninstalling, removing the
directories, and reinstalling, and still the same result. Without
named.conf, the service can not start. Installing caching-nameserver
creates a caching-nameserver conf file and appropriate zone files, but I
am trying to set up an authoritative name server. I could manually
create all of the basic zones, etc. but this seems a bit more work than
should be called for. I have configured DNS numerous times before on
previous FC versions, so this isn't my first attempt at this process,
but we all forget a step here or there over time Am I missing
something here? Mark, have you found a solution?
I had the same problem. I found that if I ran system-config-bind and let the
gui open - it will not find the right files - and will create an initial set. At
that point I close the gui and now named.conf has been created. If you then edit
named.conf to your needs and run:
service named restart
Then it will work (though it cannot stop named and I think service named start
might not work, though re-start does.
Also I found it is then better to yum remove caching-nameserver once bind
is running to avoid conflicts.