Hi, Trying to add WTP plugin in my existing (Fedora Eclipse 3.1.2) messed up my Eclipse. Now it won't even start. I had figured out that default installation of eclipse is in "/usr/share/eclipse" and there are some files in "/usr/lib/eclipse". Since there must be conflict in the plugins, what I did to reinstall eclipse was: ==================== 1. # yum remove eclipse 2. # rm -rdf /usr/share/eclipse 3. # rm -rdf /usr/lib/eclipse 4. $rm -rdf .eclipse (my home directory) 5. #yum install eclipse =================== But still it won't start, instead dialog box tell me to view the log file in my home directory ".eclipse/org.eclipse.platform_3.1.2/configuration/{number}.log} file shows something like this (its long so first few lines only. If needed I will post all that) =================================== !SESSION 2006-11-09 11:28:01.998 ----------------------------------------------- eclipse.buildId=M20060118-1600 java.version=1.5.0_09 java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. BootLoader constants: OS=linux, ARCH=x86, WS=gtk, NL=en_US Command-line arguments: -os linux -ws gtk -arch x86 !ENTRY org.eclipse.core.runtime 2006-11-09 11:28:10.132 !MESSAGE Product org.eclipse.sdk.ide could not be found. !ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2006-11-09 11:28:10.176 !MESSAGE Application error !STACK 1 java.lang.RuntimeException: No application id has been found. at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$1.run(PlatformActivator.java:204) at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:376) at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:163) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585) at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(Main.java:334) at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:278) at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:973) at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(Main.java:948) ================================== What this means??? and How can I do the fresh install of eclipse??? Any Suggestion welcome.