On Tue, 17 Oct 2006 09:24:58 -0800, Kam Leo wrote:
> If Bittorrent can get through the router then Azureus can. Just
> configure Azureus to use the same port, e.g. 6881.
The above reasoning holds for me, that if bittorrent gets throught the
router then azureus should also get through the router...?
Azureus reports:
Testing port 6881 ... NAT Error
I am not entirely sure if the standard bittorrent application even does the NAT tests that Azureus does so it may be a case of Azureus giving you more info. In the end, both will run behind a NAT router and they will download but your download rate will suffer in most cases since a lot of bittorrent clients that cannot connect to your client directly will decrease their upload rate to you. That is a consequence of not being able to do port forwarding on a router that you don't control.