Hello all you Fedora users.....I have a program that uses high-bit ASCII to display a text-mode game under Linux. In the style of Scott Miller's KROZ series, it displays all manner of ASCII characters (>Chr(127)) and they come out fine under Slackware in a text console (once I setfont the right fonts). When compiled and run under Fedora Core 5, however, the display is messed up with lots of red blocks all over the screen instead of the high bit ASCII. I was wondering if there's a setting to cause the Linux console (Konsole too, maybe?) to properly display these high-bit ASCII chars properly as they do in Slackware. I am using Free Pascal 2.0.4 (previous versions using the crt unit didn't work at all, they would just freeze) and would like to do stuff like: write(output_file,chr(219)) (block char). This may be a silly thing to want to do, since we are moving towards Unicode and ASCII > 127 is non-standard. However, I reminice about the old days when it was hip to draw boxes, "ohms", "pi", "theta" etc using high ASCII. I thought maybe a terminal setting might do it. Any help would be appreciated. -Darryl