Re: Spam on the Rise. Any new tips?

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From: "Thom Paine" <painethom@xxxxxxxxx>

I've been noticing that the config I had been using for aboutthe past
year is slowly becoming less effective against spam.

I'm currently using half a dozen or so bl's along with spam assassin.
SARE is a wonderful rule source. is your
friend. Go to the "rules" page. Read the description of the rule sets
carefully, and select those which meet your needs.

If you are REALLY desperate, have a poorly trained BAYES, and have
a lot of image spam you MIGHT check out the spamassassin-users list
archives for "FuzzyOCR". It is HIGHLY experimental and more than
moderately effective at this point. is a good script
for assessing the effectiveness of your various rules. A well trained
BAYES will leave you with BAYES_99 catching about 60% or more of all
spam and 0.04% or so of ham. BAYES_00 will have that pretty much the
reverse. If you have that raise the BAYES_99 score until you see it
developing false hits or reach a score equal to your threshold. (I
use the default of 5 with a LOT of SARE rule sets. I have perhaps
a couple spams in a week get trough out of 25000 emails a month. I
get virtually no hams get mismarked.)


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