Re: Kernel panic after FC2->FC5

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Jack Howarth writes:

    Immediately after the line which says that
the kernel is being decompressed and then booted.
I don't see any error messages besides the kernel
panic. I am wondering if the following might help
at all...

1) boot under linux rescue
2) chroot so that the upgraded disk appears to
be in use
3) try to yum update the chrooted upgraded linux
disk to the latest kernel (or even to all the
current packages).
That's the general idea.  You should also go directly to the updates 
directory and download and install all available kernel updates, not just 
the latest kernel version.  You may find that an intermediate kernel is 
bootable, but the most recent version is not.
If you cannot find a bootable kernel you are, pretty much, boned.  There's 
nothing that you can do.  Perhaps try your luck with a recent FC6 test 

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