Re: Port Redirection in Fedora

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On Tue, 29 Aug 2006, R. G. Newbury wrote:

I ran OS/2 for many years, although I had some DOS programs which I continued to use inside a VDM (Virtual Display Monitor).
A DOS VDM could not actually access the hardware.

I would set up a print under OS/2 to 'talk' to LPT1. Then I could set up a virtual printer, the same as real one, aimed at LPT2, and then re-direct the LPT2 output to LPT1.
The DOS program thought that it was talking to LPT2, as it was actually 
dealing with the re-direction code.
The same thing can be done under Windows with a program called RedMon, so 
that you can 'print' to Ghostscript and get PDF output.
My question.

How do you re-direct output from a virtual port to a real printer spool, under Fedora?
Are you thinking of something like this?

$ rpm -qi cups-pdf
Name        : cups-pdf                     Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 2.4.0                             Vendor: (none)
Release : 1 Build Date: Sat 03 Jun 2006 05:42:32 PM EDT Install Date: Sat 03 Jun 2006 05:43:43 PM EDT Build Host: vincent52.localdomain Group : Applications/Publishing Source RPM: cups-pdf-2.4.0-1.src.rpmSize : 75164 License: GPL
Signature   : (none)
URL         :
Summary     : Extension for creating pdf-Files with CUPS
Description :
"cups-pdf" is a backend script for use with CUPS - the "Common UNIX Printing System" (see more for CUPS under "cups-pdf" uses the ghostscript pdfwrite device to produce PDF Files.
This version has been modified to store the PDF files on the Desktop of 
the user. This behavior can be changed by editing the configuration file.

Note this RPM is not part of FC or FE or Livna. I got it here:

		Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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