Hi. I'm running FC3 on an MSI-7142 (K8MM-V motherboard), and using the two serial ports on the m/b. I used the stock out-of-the-shrinkwrap settings for most hardware (except for the sound board and X drivers), and things have worked fine. But... when connecting to a router's console at 115200 with either RTS/CTS or XON/XOFF flow control, I'm seeing dropped characters. Any ideas why? With a 16-deep FIFO, and a 3.2G processor (an Athalon 2800+), I shouldn't be seeing overruns or even the queue filling up (assuming the watermark is at 14 or 15...). So... what's the issue? I couldn't figure out what module was being used... looks like it's a compiled-in driver, so I'm not sure how to find what parameters would need to be set. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks, -Philip