I had hight hopes for FC5, HELL, I was even going to install it on my LAB machines without first testing it at home. But some visionary has turned it into crap. When doing an install, if the installer cant find a package you used to get a message asking if you wanted it to try again. Whenever I got this message, either rereading , or popping the CD out, and cleaning it did the trick, next try the installer was able to read the package and the install continued, with a bit of a delay. Now some clown has 'fixed' this so that the only option you get is to REBOOT. I dont need a button to reboot, I can manage that quite easily with <CTL><ALT><DEL> or a power cycle. My guess is, that I have some machines where I will NEVER be able to install FC5 due to this improvment. And Im not going to try multiple times on the others, just to get a clean install. Sigh. On a slightly more positive note, is there any way around this improvement? Does TEXT mode do the same thing? -- Reg.Clemens reg@xxxxxxx