Jim Cornette wrote:
The release of FC5 was handled quite well in my observation. It is true
that the release cycles are basically snapshots and the version
reference scheme that no longer regards minor version references makes
one number more of a tally from one release to the next. Regardless, the
release was delayed a few times in order to ensure major upgrades were
not required immediately after release. A few problems still crept up
regarding certain elements like kernel modules for binary applications.
The problem was fixed shortly after the release was finalized.
I really do not see any differences stated regarding Debian, Fedora and
other distributions being discussed.
Key difference: Debian release cycle is Quality Based. Fedora Core
release cycle is Time Based.
Can it be stated any more plainly than that?
Or perhaps you think that RHEL and FC are really pretty much
the same thing? If so, then why is RHEL a product, and FC is
a project? Debian is a product, not a project.
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!