I tried this in the previous thread but perhaps it was to buried in the
thread to be picked up on. One more time and I'll leave everyone in peace.
When I plug in my Canon LiDE 30 USB scanner into my FC5 box and fire up
Xsane, it announces that it cannot find a scanner. However, if I leave
it plugged in, logout, and log back in, then Xsane finds the scanner and
every thing works swimmingly. Under FC3 it does not seem to matter.
Hot plugging the scanner works fine.
Can anyone shed light on why the "hot plug" capability is not working
for FC5? I did notice the "hot plug" scripts are gone but I assumed
that was because UDEV (or HAL, or something else) was suppose to take
care of this.
Any assistance or enlightenment would be appreciated. Is there a good
tutorial on UDEV etc. that might tell me what is suppose to take place
so I can attempt a debug?
Thank you,
/Linux, and Open Software, an alternative./
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