Init3 is used to get to a command line interface. The how is from a terminal
in a graphical interface. That's in you only want an ocassional cli mode, to
make it permanent, edit /etc/initab changing the 5 in the line
"id:5:initdefault:" to a 3.
Tom Taylor
Linux user #263467
Federal Way, WA
Hey mates,
If I do edit that line to make it [id:5:initdefault:], then the system will always start with the text, multi-user with networking mode only [runlevel 3], without me having to press Ctrl+Alt+F1... in other words, gnome and GDE in general will not be started...
So after I log in to the console using runlevel 3, how can I start the Gnome DE in order to resume graphica functionality? what would be the steps?
A. Helmy
One Life... LIVE It