Re: Finding Installed Packages

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On Sat, 25 Mar 2006, Ali Helmy wrote:

Well, what I'm doing is:

I'm going to leave the packages installed as they are, and I am currently
Downloading the Java SDK5.0 from Sun's official site... It's a massive 131MB
download, and in .bin format, so I really hope it gets registered with rpm's
db for updates...
It doesn't if you just use the built-in installer.

Grab the Sun .bin package, then get the nosource RPM and follow the instructions for building a FC-compatible set of RPMs from the .bin.
keep you lads posted

On 25/03/06, Matthew Saltzman <mjs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Sat, 25 Mar 2006, Ali Helmy wrote:

Hey mates, talking to you from FC5 :D

Anyways, I noticed after compiling a .jar, that FC5 came with the "Free
Source Foundation" of the jdk and jvm... however, I'd like to remove
and to install the Sun JDK & JVM...

So, any ideas how i can know which packages to un-install using yum? i
what command do i type to list all java related rpms?
You could "rpm -qa | grep java", or you could use the GUI software
installer (under the Applications menu), or you could just leave them
there and build and install the JPackage Sun rpms ( and use
the alternatives system to select which one to use.


A. Helmy

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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		Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
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