Re: KsCD Sound

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Tim wrote:
On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 22:10 -0800, Danny Ciarniello wrote:
For some reason, I can't get any sound out of KsCD. Sound generally works fine. mplayer, xmms, amaroK, realplayer, kaffeine all play sound. Kaffeine plays DVDs and CDs (with sound). KsCD reads the CDDB
entry for a CD and plays the CD but there is no sound.  Any
suggestions would be appreciated.
Audio lead between CD player and sound card?
Well it turns out that I do not have an audio lead between my CD and the sound card. I will have to have a talk with the people who put my computer together about that. If this is indeed the problem, am I to take it that KsCD uses analog audio while kaffeine uses digital audio? Is there a way to configure KsCD to use digital audio? I have tried every setting that I can think of without success. I only ask that out of curiosity since I think I would rather use analog if it's available given that I think that it would be less of a drain on system resources.

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