Re: bittorrent slow

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Gordon Messmer wrote:
Mike McCarty wrote:

They don't sell you a link of a given bandwidth and then tell you
how you can use it. They license you to use *their* equipment, and
then tell you how you can use *their* equipment. And you *agree*
to the terms when you sign up to use *their* equipment.

You make it sound like a privilege. You may see it that way, but I do
It is a privilege, for which one pays.

not. I've *been* an ISP, and as both a customer and a provider, I understand that as a business arrangement. The customer pays for service, and he'll go to whomever offers the best. I wouldn't pay someone who treated me the way that you suggest.
All business relationships should be beneficial to both sides
of the relationship. Any which are not should be renegotiated
or terminated. I haven't said anything otherwise. I don't see
how what you write and what I write are in any disagreement,
except for your last sentence. In an earlier message, I wrote
that the ISP is working hard to provide a good service. That
includes making the package easy to use and beneficial to the

The fact that the complainers on this thread don't like the kind
of service they get indicates to me that

(1) They bought the wrong package, and need to renegotiate with
their ISPs for a different package, or

(2) They didn't read the fine print, and don't understand the
terms of their package, or

(3) They want their ISPs to offer a package at a rate which is
not beneficial to the ISP, or

(4) They need to get a different ISP, or

(5) Perhaps I missed a possibility.

Anyway, the relationship between customer and provider should
be a mutually beneficial one. If it isn't then it needs to
be renegotiated, or a new provider selected. It is not beneficial
to "stick it to the bastards" as one suggested.

This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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