Re: bittorrent slow

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Gordon Messmer wrote:
Gene Heskett wrote:

On Wednesday 22 March 2006 03:56, Mike McCarty wrote:

Florin Andrei wrote:

I would go as far as saying that everyone should do that, but of
course everyone using different ports.
If nothing else, it would force ISPs to do layer 4 shaping, which is
more expensive. Make the bastards bleed a little.
What an attitude. These people work hard trying to provide a good
service, and this is the thanks they get.

Try saying something like that to your waiter next time.

Amen Mike, on this we agree.

I think there's a difference between waiters and ISPs. I've never had a waiter serve my meal late because he doesn't like serving it.
Not analogous. Your ISP is not refusing you service, nor is he delaying
packets which you own.

Why is it legitimate for an ISP to sell you a link of a given bandwidth, and then tell you how you can use it?
They don't sell you a link of a given bandwidth and then tell you
how you can use it. They license you to use *their* equipment, and
then tell you how you can use *their* equipment. And you *agree*
to the terms when you sign up to use *their* equipment.

This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!

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