Re: Unexplained network activity

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Mike McCarty wrote:

What does the EN10MB mean? I'm guessing Ether Net 10 MegaBit per second.

I'm using 100 Base T, so I wonder whether this is just a left-over
and now inappropriate message.
I didn't know, but after a little poking in the sources it seems that 
libpcap (packet capture) uses the same constant DLT_EN10MB for all kinds 
of Ethernet as we know it.  I guess because there is nothing to tell the 
various kinds apart at the layer libpcap operates at.  So it's not 
trying to assert anything more than it is an Ethernet interface rather 
than Irda, SLIP, etc that tcpdump can also work with, despite the 
needlessly specific 10 in the name.

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