Re: Preparing for FC5

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Ali Helmy wrote:
Ingo wrote:
What about just wait some days, then grab fedora-release from FC5,
install it with rpm and just do yum update after that.
Using the installer from the downloaded and burned media would be the 
least troublesome. I believe work was completed to make the installer 
tougher than it was in the test releases. If the installer wimps out on 
you, you might try the FC5 release package installation and the below steps.
You might need to do an rpm -e hotplug just to get a list of packages 
that depend upon hotplug. You then would need to run yum update for the 
packages that depend upon hotplug. The newer versions are fixed to 
remove the need for hotplug.
Next you would need to update initscripts which will remove hotplug and 
pull in dependent packages.
Update yum itself using yum -y update yum, then update the kernel.
I suggest running setenforce 0 before performing the installation.

I'm afraid I don't really get you, do you mean I should just wait and 
then yum update, and everything will be FC5?
It unfortunately is not that simple, you will probably run into some 
conflicts with xorg-x11 packages. I ran into a few myself and had to 
figure out how to resolve the conflicts.
I don't recall other package problems except for third party packages 
which were installed on a non-networked computer.

I'll see you... on the dark side of the moon...
		-- Pink Floyd

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