Re: FC5 Boot Issue?

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jdow wrote:
From: "Michael A. Peters" <mpeters@xxxxxxx>

On Mon, 2006-03-20 at 07:48 +0800, John Summerfield wrote:

It seems fairly clear the ISOs have leaked, that they are genuine.
Happens every release - and it will continue to.
The isos have to get distributed to mirrors before the official release

It's not like it is a crime or license violation.

I don't mind early discussion of leaked ISO's - but I think they should
go on the test list, where people using recent rawhide versions of both
the installer and the packages are more likely to see it.
I note that Jim did NOT say the signatures were verified to be official
signatures and not some random party's hack.

The official site is still blocked.

There is no reason to "ass-u-me" that Jim has a legitimate package
given the information he provided. So he may be in the "poor bastard"
camp at the moment with a hacked copy. We've no way of knowing given
his provided information.


Most likely Jim has a legitimate copy. The problem that he is experiencing is known and was reported on the list by Stanton.
Instead of Linux entered at the prompt he needs to enter the below.

Excerpt from posting from Stanton:

Type "/isolinux/vmlinuz initrd=/isolinux/initrd.img" and hit enter at
the boot prompt. This is a known bug for some hardware. See

Stanton Finley


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		-- Pink Floyd

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