Craig White wrote:
On Fri, 2006-03-10 at 18:43 -0500, Jim Cornette wrote:
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Andy Green wrote:
But there's no real argument for making it *hard* to select or
clear many checkboxes and I assume we'll see that fixed, allowing
easy emulation of the lost functionality (minimal too) in an
intuitive way.
Agreed on that, things like shift select or whatever functionality that
makes it easier to select multiple checkboxes at the same time in the
interface would be a good compromise if this is not possible already but
I have noted that this particular feature hasnt been requested in
bugzilla yet AFAIK.
Out of 212 anaconda bugs that I viewed for FC5T3, none were asking for
the select all button.
I filed the below enhancement for FC5T3 (hopefully moved into FC5, but
more likely FC6)
Since the hot topic is the install everything here is response within
interestingly Jeremy responded right away and gave you a clue on
'hidden' features which surely should satisfy most people if not all.
Sort of a lot more satisfying than moaning about it on list isn't it?
Thanks Jim.
At least the feature is realized now or ready for FC5. I use the right
click a lot to find features hidden on other operating systems. I guess
right clicking for Linux is becoming similar to find useful options.
Yes, contacting the developer through bugzilla is more productive than
overpopulating the list with point-counterpoint battles.
I used battle on public lists over MS vs. Linux and battles were similar
on outcome. I probably converted 2 over to my view while having another
thousand holding onto what they were accustomed to.
Unless we were to redesign the installer ourselves, battling on the list
would only add more clicks to the reading of other Fedora issues on
the list. The installer would still not handle easier installation or a
more complete installation of what is available from the install media.
This feature should positively stand out in the "highly read" release
notes. would flashing text be too much?
Do not simplify the design of a program if a way can be found to make
it complex and wonderful.