sai krishna wrote:
Linux has both 'more' and 'less' to so that you can control the rollingoff the screen.
Ian Malone <ibmalone@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: Tim Alberts wrote:
If I'm running in run level 3 (terminal) and I issue a command, most
of the time, the information I want is scrolled right off the screen.
I remember from back in my MSDOS days that you could append to a
command the '|more' and it will print information to the screen 'one
page at a time' (kinda). Therefore, you can read all that is printed.
Is there an equivalent in Linux when running terminal in run level 3?
Have you tried doing it?
How about less as well?
Linux/Unix is a bit cleverer than DOS though, programs have two standard
output streams, one for output and one for errors, so you may want to
MSDOS also has two output streams, stdout and stderr, though stderr
is not so easy to redirect as stdout.
have a look at 'info bash' or 'man bash': basic shell features:
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!