Wolfgang Gill wrote:
On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 18:48:24 -0500, bobgoodwin wrote
Does it matter which forty pin connector plugs into the master and
slave drives?
I have come to the realization after struggling with some problems
that there are a lot more wires in the ribbon cable than there are
connector pins.
I now see that Maxtor designates the connector at the end of the
cable as the "master" and the one just below it as the "slave." I
presently have only one drive jumpered as master with FC4 running on
it and it ;doesn't seem to care which data cable connector is
attached to it, but when I put in the second drive, jumpered as
"slave" the computer won't boot. I decided the drive was bad but
now I'm wondering? It may be the wrong connectors plugged into the drives.
I thought "cable select" cables had wires obviously crossed in the
ribbon cable but that may not be true with this 80 wire ribbon?
Can someone clear this up for me.
Bob Goodwin Zuni, Virginia
Nope it doesn't matter. Drive selects are done with jumpers on the drive. All
IDE 40/80 pin cables are straight through, so the drive itself govens whether
it's master or slave. When I only have one drive, I use the middle connector,
and hide the other one out of the way, to give me better casing air flow.
Usually (Depending on brand of drive), the master drive is jumpered, and the
slave drive isn't.
Open WebMail Project (http://openwebmail.org)
Ok Thanks, that saves me the trouble of further experimentation. I had
done as you described, using the center connector on the master jumpered
drive. This all started when one of two [both] old drives began to act
up and I replaced one of them. I think I replaced the still functioning
one rather than the bad one. The problem initially was intermittent and
not easy for me to troubleshoot.