Anne Wilson wrote:
Following the instructions in a book, I did
ln -s mta /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix
which has exactly the opposite result to what is required, overwriting
the executable with a link.
Is there any way of recovering the executable or must I reinstall
I see you have some help in another direction already, so...
The very best way to recover from a goof like this is from
your backup. Given your message, I suppose that you don't
have one. So, my suggestion is...
Start making backups, and start doing it today.
Here's a script I use for my backups. I'm sure it won't be
quite what you need, but it might give you a start.
I use "su -" to become root, and I have this script in
/root, for use by root. This is probably best run in
single user mode, but I usually just close all windows
and open one terminal window and run from there.
# Create backups of /etc, /home, /usr/local, and...
#omitteddirs = "/srv /var/backups /var/games"
backupdirs="/boot /etc /home /opt /root /usr/games /usr/local \
/usr/src /var/lib /var/local /var/log \
/var/mail /var/spool /var/tmp /var/www"
echo "System backup beginning" | wall
mv -f /var/backups/backup.tgz /var/backups/backupsave.tgz
mv -f /var/backups/backup.lst /var/backups/backupsave.lst
tar czf /var/backups/backup.tgz $backupdirs
echo "System backups complete, status: $?" | wall
echo "Now verifying system backups" | wall
tar tzf /var/backups/backup.tgz 1> /var/backups/backup.lst && \
echo "Verified, please burn backup /var/backups/backup.tgz to
| wall || \
echo "BACKUP FAILED" | wall
I use compression, which is somewhat risky, but it makes
my entire backup fit onto a single CDROM.
If this is not adequate for you, then I suggest you
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!