Rickey Moore wrote:
*/Robin Laing <Robin.Laing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>/* wrote:
What was the last version you used?
Read about "yum". From the extras, I have installed yumex as it gives
me a GUI for package admin.
<g> The 'last version' I really used was around RH6 or so...
I'll check out "yum" although the issues since way back when is if you
can't get to the internet readily, you are in deep doo doo. Especially
if the update you need is there and I find myself not there. <cackles>
I'm looking through bugzilla, and a search on "kstartupconfig' doesn't
seem to dig up anything. What I'm looking for is the repository of the
briefs that used to be announced saying "Update for foo.rpm is
available, and you must install the packages in this order <blah
blah>".! Or was that Caldera that did that? <eg>
Thanks for any considerations, Ric
Yum does most of that for you now. It will check for dependencies of
a package and then include that in the downloads. I have not looked
at the errata's since RH8. With yum, if I want to install a package,
I either type in "yum install {package name}" or use yumex and select
the package. Then yum will ensure that all the dependencies are met.
You can get a list of updates in the same way. man yum for more
As one other poster mentioned, login as root, type in yum update,
select yes and go have a brew. The first full update will take hours
as there is almost a gig of updates if I remember correctly.
If you want software from a different repository, it is as simple as
enabling the repository and getting a list of applications. It is
time for you to do some reading up on yum. It is allot different and
nicer than the old download, install what will install, download the
dependencies and install what will install ......