Andy Green wrote:
WipeOut wrote:
The problem now is that he is getting far to wrapped up in looking at
porn and not the innocent kind..
Is there any parental control software for Linux available??
Another way to come at this is to move the PC into an area that is
frequented by the rest of the family. You could also proxy his http
connectivity transparently through another box and let him know
everything is logged.
The PC is already in a fairly "public" place but there are still lots of
times when nobody is around and thats when he is diving into the porn
Ultimately though with USB memory sticks, myspace pr0n and so on
nannying software is a losing proposition.
Yes, I know what you are saying but I think its still worth trying
attempt some control rather than banning him from the internet which
would be a shame because the internet is a great place to learn about
things... other than hard core sex..