Re: FC4 Pine replacement?

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Jonathan Underwood wrote:
Tom Diehl wrote:

The closest thing I have been able to find to pine is something called cone [1].
So far though I keep going back to pine since that is what my fingers are
trained to use. :-)

As an aside, cone is available from fedora extras, and is quite nice. Not as featureful as pine though.
I downloaded cone from sf,net and used the imbedded spec to build it. 
Whereever I start it (konsole,xterm, vc):
[summer@bilby ~]$ cone
ERROR: Your display appears to be set to the ANSI_X3.4-1968 character set.
This application cannot display this character set.  If this application did
not read the display character set name correctly, the name of the display's
character set name can be manually specified using the CHARSET environment
variable.  Otherwise reconfigure your display to use a supported character
set and try again.
[summer@bilby ~]$

This is not a good start:-(((

I'm sticking with pine ftm.



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