Re: FC4 Pine replacement?

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On Tue, 27 Dec 2005, Res wrote:

On Mon, 26 Dec 2005, Devon Harding wrote:

Is there a replacement for Pine on FC4?  Alternatives?
I always use the source from
just like I use source for a few other things micro$lop err i mean RH decide after 10 years they dont want us using :)
However if you go to that site the good guys at cac have even produced an rpm 
for pine users on RH since RH wont :)
You make it sound like this is a Red Hat problem. Just to be clear, lack of
pine is not Red Hat's fault. It is WU's fault. Pine is not open source. If
it was I am sure it would be in the distro or extras.

Oh BTW mutt is NOT even close to being a replacment for pine. Not unless
you have never used pine and just want a text based MUA.

The closest thing I have been able to find to pine is something called cone [1].
So far though I keep going back to pine since that is what my fingers are
trained to use. :-)




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