Re: FC4 Pine replacement?

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Paul Smith wrote:
On 12/30/05, Jonathan Underwood <j.underwood@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

The closest thing I have been able to find to pine is something called
cone [1].
So far though I keep going back to pine since that is what my fingers are
trained to use. :-)
As an aside, cone is available from fedora extras, and is quite nice.
Not as featureful as pine though.

Sorry, but what is the point of using pine when one can use
Thunderbird, Evolution, and so on? Has pine got something so special
to make it your elected e-mail client?
The point of PINE is that it works on a text console. I regularly use 
Mozilla, Thunderbird, PINE Is Not Elm, Mail (OS X), sometimes kmail 
Evolution and Mutt on the same mailboxes.



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