Mike McCarty wrote:
Clive at Rational wrote:
Is it possible to use K3B to back up data that is
over 700MB in size so that it spans multiple backup
CDs? I remember zip used to be able to span backups
across multiple floppy disks.
Umm, PKZIP can do that. If that's what you really
want, then you can try running DOSBOX or DOSEMU.
Another possibility is zip + zipsplit.
Come to think of it, tar an other archive utilities can do it: you need
to specify the size of the "tape volume" and maybe use a script to do
stuff with the files it creates it.
It doesn't (or didn't when I looked years ago) hand compressed output
well as the size you provide relates to input sizes.
afio (not a standard component) is better as it can create compresses
archives sized on the output size.
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