Re: Fedora community (Was: Revised Fedora Core website - Where are the links?)

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Rahul Sundaram wrote:

Alert: Australian vernacular follows.


Somewhere on the home page should be placed a
notice of the transition to (A link would be a nice
touch.) If visitors to the old site cannot find what they're searching
for they can go to the new site.  No need to google.
We havent made the decision yet.

Making changes means a decision has been made.

Changing a website is _always_ problematic and will upset users with broken links, content they can't find and so on.
Actually deleting content with no replacement is plain barking stupidity.

As for the list archives, I can't actually check what access is available right now, but "club members only" is a fair description of any list where someone has to spend time and effort to subscribe and then unsubscribe. It's more than I will do to ask a simple question.
It's pretty certain that by sending email to this list I expose my email 
address to spammers, even before my missive is archived, so for me the 
time I spend to ask a question might extend to getting a new email 
address for the occasion.


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