Hello, I meet a problem with SOAP::Transport::HTTP and Apache2 in Fedora Core 4 environment. I installed httpd-2.0.54-10.i386.rpm and mod_perl-2.0.0-0.rc5.3.i386.rpm with Fedora Core 4 CDs. And then I downloaded and installed perl-SOAP-Lite-0.60a-3.rhfc4.at.noarch.rpm. I edited /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf to add our own perl handler as: <Location /NM2Soap> setHandler perl-script perlHandler SOAPApache </Location> In SOAPApache module, I have: use SOAP::Transport::HTTP; I use a web services application to make a request to my customized SOAPDaemon via SOAPApache. The request is not successful. I go to /etc/httpd/logs/ directory and check error_log message. The error_log message looks like follows: Client failed to resolve handler 'SOAPApache': Can't locate Apache.pm in @INC.......... at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor-perl5/5.8.6/SOAP/Transport/HTTP.pm line 444 ............ I checked HTTP.pm file, line 444 is: sub new {require Apache; require Apache::Constants; How can I make SOAP::Transport::HTTP look for Apache2 instead of Apache? Any answer will be greatly appreciated. jing __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com