Re: FC4 CF-based Router

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Bob Chiodini wrote:

Okay, I was concentrating on the bio too big device loop0 message.

Maybe a bug in busybox or the kernel:

The above is the cached, text-only, google link, seems to be
down or extremely slow.

Are you running a 2.4 or 2.6 kernel?

% uname -r
% uname -p

I went and downloaded a newer version of busybox, rebuilt it from source, and installed it in my initrd. I also bit-the-bullet and got rid of nash from that image. Seems to be behaving a little better. Now I get as far as mountint the iso, and the pivot_root command seems to be screwing up on me. My last line in my linuxrc file is msh, so that I can have some interactivity.
mount shows:

/dev/hda2 on /dos type vfat (rw,noatime, )
/dev/loop0 on /sysroot type iso9660 (ro)
/proc on /sysroot/proc type proc (rw,nodiratime)

when I go:
busybox pivot_root /sysroot /sysroot/initrd

I get:

pivot_root: pivot_root: invalid argument

but I can at least SEE the image

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