Danny Terweij - Net Tuning | Net wrote:
From: "Rhesa Rozendaal" <perl@xxxxxxxxx>
//var/cache/yum/base/repomd.xml:1: parser error : Document is empty
How the hell did that happen, and what should I do to prevent it from
happening again, and what should I do to repair it?
do :
# yum clean all
Thanks Danny, that did do the trick.
Repeat every time before u use yum update.
The funny thing is I never do use yum! This is run from cron, as set up out of
the box, and never touched by any of us.
This is a known error that many users have. Although fedora dont think it is
at there side but at our side (users).
So keep coming with such reports to convience redhat fedora team that this
is a serious problem.
Now that you got me started, yes, yum is ever so slightly braindead...
No, on second thought I'll be saving my rants for the Hates-Software list. I
still need an answer to my oom-killer question ;)
Thanks again.