On Sat, 2005-10-22 at 08:30 -0400, Claude Jones wrote: > I've been looking, and there are lots of pages on how to create a distro. > Sometimes, it's hard to separate the competent from the wannabes. Do any of > you who have actually created distros have some reading suggestions for a > beginner? I'm interested in creating a distro that is oriented to graphics > artists/media professionals - that comes up with the cutting edge packages > that are being developed, installed and basically configured, and provides > easy methods for keeping those packages updated as they develop. I'm thinking > of packages like Cinelerra, Jahshaka, Cinepaint, etc, when I say cutting > edge, though I'm also open to any suggestions on this front. Packages like > Inkscape, and the Gimp would be fairly simple to include, I presume. I'm > welcome to being told, also, that this is too ambitious, but if you could > give reasons for why this is so, that would be great. Hi Claude, You may want to look at this list first. There may be a good distro already that meets your goals. http://www.livecdlist.com/index.php?pick=All&sort=Purpose&sm=0 I've heard good things about dyne:bolic http://www.dynebolic.org/ Cheers, Ben > -- > Claude Jones > Bluemont, VA, USA >