I've been looking, and there are lots of pages on how to create a distro. Sometimes, it's hard to separate the competent from the wannabes. Do any of you who have actually created distros have some reading suggestions for a beginner? I'm interested in creating a distro that is oriented to graphics artists/media professionals - that comes up with the cutting edge packages that are being developed, installed and basically configured, and provides easy methods for keeping those packages updated as they develop. I'm thinking of packages like Cinelerra, Jahshaka, Cinepaint, etc, when I say cutting edge, though I'm also open to any suggestions on this front. Packages like Inkscape, and the Gimp would be fairly simple to include, I presume. I'm welcome to being told, also, that this is too ambitious, but if you could give reasons for why this is so, that would be great. -- Claude Jones Bluemont, VA, USA