Re: Install message "no driver found"

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Craig White wrote:

On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 18:23 -0600, Philip Prindeville wrote:
Craig White wrote:

On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 17:39 -0600, Philip Prindeville wrote:

Tried all of those options, but it made no difference.  When I go
to vty3 or vty4, doing shft-page-up doesn't work... so I can't scroll
through all of the output.  Sigh.

I'll try "noprobe" next.

Sure would help if I could tell if the missing driver was for the
graphics card or the disk controller or... whatever.
and evidently no reports of a kernel panic

just out of curiousity - did you run the mediacheck on that boot disk?


The failure happens before it gets that far, unfortunately.

It asks me for the keyboard type and language, then the installation
method... then tells me I'm missing a driver...

All of that happens before the mediacheck is done.  I've booted with
"linux mediacheck" and it made no difference.

I'm booting from DVD on the FC3.i386 disk...

Too bad there's no way to enable additional debugging output.

Not a very handy message.
sounds like a bad cd or a bad drive - possibly just incompatible

you can compute the md5sum of the disk in other ways - like from Windows
or Linux. How/where did you get the disk?
I downloaded the .iso image from a mirror, and then burned it using
the default Gnome application for .iso files (cdroast?)...

if you burned the cd in Windows you can use this URL to help figure if
the CD is good...

linux, you can just type -c md5sum /dev/hdc #substitute for a different
I'm unclear on this...  One of them crapped out because it couldn't
read parts of the disk, so it seemed like it was a bad burn...  And then
I burned an FC4-i386.iso image onto a disk (which used a SHA1SUM,
and not an MD5 digest) and tried to generate a sum for that as:

[root@media dvbtune-0.5]# sha1sum -b < /dev/hdc
0c5a18caa900eb770ff29b1da16b075e1fd8f4a4 *-
[root@media dvbtune-0.5]#

but that was different from:

Hash: SHA1

2f151a7329846da685c2a72fcb40eba3e8a355a0  FC4-i386-DVD.iso
aa82f4be0be901777537b6ad0906c4f3c2d84bc3  FC4-i386-SRPMS-disc1.iso
e43a0db88bf537f6dab6e49513c6391a4aa9b549  FC4-i386-SRPMS-disc2.iso
37c0a3dacf0e803e402474ecca6a16bf177490b4  FC4-i386-SRPMS-disc3.iso
72fd68d72a2c7563b74073c25dccb903a2a34a01  FC4-i386-SRPMS-disc4.iso
3fb2924c8fb8098dbc8260f69824e9c437d28c68  FC4-i386-disc1.iso
31fdc2d7a1f1709aa02c9ea5854015645bd69504  FC4-i386-disc2.iso
032455cdf457179916be3a739ca16add75b768b7  FC4-i386-disc3.iso
f560f26a32820143e8286afb188f7c36d905a735  FC4-i386-disc4.iso
736e1555e88740d6131c5c84fbe69ed1073ba82d  FC4-i386-rescuecd.iso

so I'm wondering if the image on the DVD needs to be checksummed
differently somehow?

If you burn on one device and try to install on another, sometimes
burning at a slower speed helps and of course, there's always a
possibility that the drive/box/fedora are not working together and the
following might be appropriate...
I'll try reburning the FC3-i386.iso DVD at 1x instead...

did you try this (from fedorafaq)?

Q: The installer's media check says all my CDs are bad! A: There is a bug in the kernel which causes the media check to say all
CDs are bad, on some systems. To do a successful media check, do the
following: 1. At the installer prompt, type: linux mediacheck nocddma
It never gets that far!  It craps out before then.  I run the command,
but it seems like certain options are being ignored like "mediacheck"
and "nofloppy".


2. Run the media check on your CDs/DVD.
    3. Reboot, and run the installer normally.

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