Cokey wrote:
Timothy Murphy wrote:
Cokey wrote:
I've tried various install parameters (nofb and the like) in various
combinations but haven't
gotten anywhere. I've Google'd and looked in Bugzilla but found
nothing. Doesn't mean there's
nothing there, just that I haven't found it. Any/all suggestions
A very non-expert suggestion -
but you could try installing from the hard disk.
(Could it be that FC4 does not like your CD drive?
It wasn't clear to me if the problem occurred when the CD check was
being run, or if you were skipping it.)
Don't think that's the problem. OS is booted from the CD by this point
and I believe
the CD is mounted. Also, while I haven't actually installed it, Suise
9.1 boots into it's installation
GUI after loading all drivers which wouldn't happen if there was a
problem with the drive.
I'm not sure the suggestion was that there was something wrong with
the *drive* ...
Have you tried the standard acpi=off etc. changes to the boot?
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!