Hi, I just got an iAudio X5 (awesome player, return your iPods...;). Its a UMD, so when I plug it in, the following entry automagically appears in my /etc/fstab: /dev/sdb1 /media/IAUDIO vfat pamconsole,exec,noauto,iocharset=utf8,managed 0 0 The problem is that only root can mount it, and furthermore, when root mounts it, root owns it and thus whoever I'm logged in as can't write to it. Whats even more weird is that if I edit that fstab entry to have the 'users' options, I still can't mount it as a normal user. Anyways, what I want is for the device to automatically be mounted when its plugged in and I want the owner to be whoever is logged into KDE at the moment. Is that possible or too much to ask? Thank you very much for the help.