I researched this awhile ago and found out precisely how to change the
defaults for auto mounted filesystems in FC3 which applies to FC4 too.
The example below will make sure that all FAT32,FAT16,FAT12
auto-mounted filesystems by hald display mixed case. It seems that
hald is responsible for all mounting options and is VERY
configurable. I wish someone would post a how-to for tweaking
everything hald can do. Whoever integrated hald into Fedora should get
an award!
If you want to limit the mixed case to filesystems under 2 gigs that
can be done too! It just takes another match key in the right place(I
dont remember the exact thing to put there but if you want this
limited to small filesystems I should be able it up somewhere.
Btw... I posted something similar to this for fedorasolved.com about
FC3 and the sonypsp. On that site I show how to create another .fdi
file to always mount the sony psp as /media/sonypsp...
/media/sonypsp1... /media/sonypsp2... etc. Did I mention that hald
rocks? Now we just need a gui to configure this stuff :).
Add the following file to /usr/share/hal/fdi/95userpolicy/ to get FAT
filesystems to display mixed case when FC3 automounts them.
---- file name fatmixedcase.fdi ----
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!-- -*- SGML -*- -->
<deviceinfo version="0.2">
<match key="block.is_volume" bool="true">
<match key="volume.fsusage" string="filesystem">
<match key="volume.fsversion" string="FAT12">
<merge key="volume.policy.mount_option.iocharset=utf8"
<merge key="volume.policy.mount_option.shortname=mixed"
<match key="volume.fsversion" string="FAT16">
<merge key="volume.policy.mount_option.iocharset=utf8"
<merge key="volume.policy.mount_option.shortname=mixed"
<match key="volume.fsversion" string="FAT32">
<merge key="volume.policy.mount_option.iocharset=utf8"
<merge key="volume.policy.mount_option.shortname=mixed"
---- end of file fatmixedcase.fdi ----
Thanks alot. This is a great solution. I got your another post too.