Hi, I have FC4 test 2 installed on my PC, so this could be a bug in that, but I'd like to know if it's something that works OK in a stable release (note I couldn't install FC3 due to a couple of bugs that are fixed in FC4, hence the reason that I'm using the test release). What I'm trying to do is have a shell script executed by double-clicking the file icon in GNOME's Nautilus file browser. I have the following simple shell script named tst.sh and with "+x" attributes: #!/bin/sh -f echo Hello there read -p "Hit return: " tmpvar The default action for this file under Nautilus is "Open with Terminal", but when I double-click it or select "Open with Terminal" from its menu I just get a spinning hourglass for 30 seconds or so. If I then return to the main console screen (Ctrl-Alt-F1) I see the following warning was reported: Invalid argument: /home/ian/ZPT Test/Results/r1-GS-hv/tst.sh Ideas anyone? Ian