micheal wrote:
As far a decoding back to WAV, most CD burning apps will do that for
you, including K3B. If you want to keep a copy of the wav, or just
decode both Audacity and Marlin support this. In Audacity, just export
to WAV. In Marlin, just save as a file with a .wav extension.
Keep in mind however, that mp3 is lossy and den-coding will not gain any quality back.
Hope this helps.
It does help. But in fact k3b will /not/ work with mp3 files. It will say, "Unable to add to this project because of unsupported format" or words to that effect. That's why I always have to run it through mpg321 to get a wav file before I can even add it to the project.
If k3b has a command to convert mp3 to wav, I haven't found it--and, being a GNOME user, I can't access k3b's Help system. Which command would that be?
I anticipate purchasing some mp3 downloads soon. Unfortunately, they might run to ninety minutes, and that's more than any CD can hold. If I can split them down the middle, that solves that problem.