Hi Grumman, Thanks a lot for the file. I recreated my XF86Conf file from one non-working backup I found on /etc and using your file as reference. I still had problems going init 5 so I uninstalled VMware Tools and after more tweaking to XF86Config was able to go init 5. Anyway Andy sugested in a previous post that I sould go for /etc/X11/xorg.conf instead. But I apparently resolved the issue by recreating XF86Config and answered him that. Next I tried to no avail to change resolution to 1024x768 (this resolution was not present in screen configuration graphical utility), then I revised XF86Config and added this new resolution. Anyway this new resolution option was not being shown at the screen configuration utility. Then I went to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and added the oprion there. Now I am able to chenge the resolution to 1024x768. Conclussion: It seems /etc/X11/xorg.conf was the way to go from start. There must be another different problem with VMware Tools and removing it was the cause X worked in the previus attemp. Thanks a lot both of you for your help. I will try to figure what is wrong with VMware Tools and post the solution to this list. Regards Victor Marquez.