Greetings, I am experiencing a problem with FC3 that has basically stumped me. Network access through a Linksys router model BEFSR11, default settings with the latest firmware (in an attempt to resolve the problem), is extremely slow at about <=1.0KB/s using an Intel Pro adapter as the NIC. If I unplug the exact same wire going to the FC3 box and into an XP Pro machine, I experience no problems with the connection. If I bypass the Linksys router altogether and plug the FC3 box directly into the cable modem, firewalled of course, no problems. I have certified all wiring between the cable modem and Linksys and Linksys and FC3 box using an Agilent Wirescope 350. The cable company dispatched a person to certify the cable coming into the building as well. Some incompatibility seems to exist between the Linksys and FC3. ipconfig -a shows a lot of tx packet errors: TX packets:55054 errors:41 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:41 I also ran Ethereal, initiated an ftp download (firewall disabled, but I use ip_conntrack_ftp anyway), and monitored it. I am getting a lot of TCP Out of Order packets inbound and TCP Duplicate ACKs outbound, suggesting some kind of packet loss and delay to me. Eventually, the ftp download times out. I have an FC3 box that is multihomed. Here are the specs: FC3 running kernel version 2.6.10-1.766_FC3, patched as of 3/17/2005. Motherboard is a Gigabyte GA7VM400M-RZ with 2.6 GHz Athlon. Onboard NIC connected to the internal network (VIA Rhine II) Second NIC connected to the Linksys router (Intel Pro 100+ Management PCI Adapter) Please note that during troubleshooting, I did unplug the onboard interface from the network. The Intel Pro was set to use DHCP and obtain DNS information, and it was fetching the DHCP information from the Linksys properly. My tests consisted of downloading files with Mozilla Firefox from a known good remote connection and downloading files with wget from the commandline. On the XP machine, downloads were performed from the same location using Internet Explorer ( and Has anyone else had this problem, or does anyone have some suggestions? I am highly suspicious about the kernel settings. Surfing the net I found this option in the kernel that controls TCP Explicit Congestion Notification. Would this option be related to my problem (CONFIG_INET_ECN=y)? I guess that it won't hurt to try recompiling the kernel with this option turned off, if it exists in the 2.6 kernel. Something in the back of my mind tells me that the Linksys is breaking some tiny, little TCP/IP standard on which FC3 depends. -- Shawn Iverson Technology Associate MCP W2K3S and W2KP, Linux+, Network+, A+ New Castle Community School Corporation shawn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx __ (.)(.) __ ***************(||)**()**(||)*************** Please leave the subject line blank when sending me new emails that originate outside of (to prevent dropped messages during delivery). ********************************************