Re: FC3 Security

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Pat Pleate wrote:

In defense to the IT support persons that "seem intent
on preventing ...",  this is like walking into
someone's house and saying that you want to add your
own setup, use their electricity, phone line for a
modem, etc. in their house without asking.
If these IT Support persons are THE support for the
place you are working, it only stands true that you
need to work with THEM.  THEY are more than likely to
be the ones who are providing the IP number for the
range they are provided by the University.  THEY are
the ones who are probably activating the data jack
ports.  There are many Depts. in a University that
have their own support (like ours), and when someone
comes in and demands something, like they own the
place, that doesn't make good PR.  Additionally, THAT
Dept. sets the standards of what THEY support and will
support.  If you choose to go outside that support,
than it only stands to reason that they will tell you
that they will not support you if you have any issues.
The University is the fallback support.
Just because a person CAN do something because they
have the capability, doesn't always mean that one
SHOULD do it.  Here's an example: I CAN drive through
a stop sign, but SHOULD I really do that?  I CAN buy a
new <insert name here> computer that is not supported
by said Dept., but SHOULD I?  Do you choose to not get
reliable support, or do you have to find someone else,
wasting your valuable, University fund-generating
If you think outside the box and put yourself in the
shoes of the persons who do the support, you may
I deal with this all the time, and will work
willingly, and happily, work with a PHD-person if they

--- David Curry <dsccable@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Rick Bilonick wrote:

Unfortunately, the data center IT dept. consists

only of a couple of

individuals who seem intent on preventing me from

doing my work. They

were very irritated that I bought computer

equipment without

consulting them and that I contacted the

university IT people. (The

university IT have no concerns about me connecting

my computer. I had

no problem getting an IP address from them and

they will sell me a

port if I want one.) Why they care is beyond me

since I'm not funding

them through my grant so any "help" they would

give would be at their


Thanks for your thoughts.

Rick B.

Rick, consider the possibility that allowing you to
proceed would, to the data center people, be THE step on to the
proverbial slippery slope. Precedent (hole in the dike) can be a
dangerous thing.

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No, the university has made it quite clear that they own the network and control IP addresses. My sin is that because a lack of office space, my office was located in the data center. The data center IT people have no intention of helping or cooperating. Their solution would be for me to let them install Windows XP on the machine and they would control ALL aspects (even down to the screen resolution). I would not be able to run the software I need to run but that doesn't really matter to them.

Rick B.

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