Richard E Miles wrote:
On Fri, 18 Feb 2005 17:37:28 -0800
Barry Yu <barryyupuilee@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
In fc1 the user can create a floppy disk and use it to boot into the run
level 3, bash shell, then can start the x window right there.
I can't figure out how to use the fc3 rescue CD to boot up into the run
level 3 bash shell, so I can start using the O/S or start the x window,
or alternatively how to make a boot up CD to accomplish that. Appreciate
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Edit the boot line and append a blank 3. then boot up. You will be at run
level 3. Why are you using rescue cd?
I think I didn't make my self clear, what I need is : In case the
bootloader (grub) is corrupted, fc1 can use a boot floppy to boot into
bash shell, and the user can start the x window from there to go to
desktop to start working, how can I do the same thing in fc3 ( The boot
floppy won't work any more due to kernel size bigger than a floppy).