James wrote:
| <<-- SNIP -->>
| I too manually manipulated moved the files I created with Webmin | into the /var/named/chroot/var/named location then created the | static links back into the /var/named location, restarted Webmin and | discovered that now DNS works and I was able to use Webmin to manage | the configuration. Even after the configuration was in place the | Fedora tool still would not function properly to manage the it. | | | Bill | Bill,
Thanks, I guess the tools are still broken. Unless there is a config parameter that can tell the tools where the files are. The tool may not work because there are a few files in /etc that are also chrooted to named.
I had to day off due to a local government holiday, so Friday morning I plan on checking on my other server boxes with FC3 installs and see what files are currently common within the /var/named path and the /var/named/chroot/var/named path. Then I will try to create some new files and see if and in which path they show up. Then I'll post the results here tomorrow evening.
I also noticed that Jim Lawrence is having problems that may be from the same problem I am having.